Secrets Of Northern Circuit Safari Tanzania + Destinations

What is Northern Circuit Safari Tanzania?

The Northern Circuit is the most famous Northern Circuit Safari Tanzania and the world at large. The Northern Circuit Safari Tanzania stretches in the northern part of the country and encounters the most famous National Parks in Tanzania such as the Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater, Kilimanjaro National Park, Lake Manyara, Tarangire National Park, Arusha National Park, Olduvai Gorge, and Mkomazi National Park. The Northern safaris circuit Tanzania holds large numbers of wildlife and all other forms of attractions such as the volcanoes, calderas, and many more to mention but a few.

Tanzania Northern Circuit Safari

Northern Circuit Safari Destinations

Serengeti National Park

one of the world’s most iconic wildlife conservations on earth is indulged in the Northern Circuit of Tanzania. The National Park that stretches on a total land area of about 14,763 sq km is a world heritage site is a must-see and must include in your bucket list when planning your safari to Tanzania.



Serengeti derives its name from the Maasai word “Seringit” which means the endless plains. Serengeti National Park hosts the Great Wildebeest Migration which is the second-largest undisturbed terrestrial mammal migration on earth. A safari here is truly wonderful with nothing left to admire.

The Serengeti national park is home to several wild animals with all the African Big Five (Lions, Elephants, Rhinos, Leopards, and Cape buffalo), the vast terrain of Serengeti with the varying weather patterns with other migratory factors have led to the constant movement of animals in the National Park. Perhaps the best place for wildlife sighting with a true wilderness experience.

The terrain in Serengeti National Park varies from long and short grasslands, open plains in the south, acacia savanna in the central area, hilly, more densely wooded landscapes in the northern section, and extensive woodland and black clay plains, dominated by the central ranges of mountains in the western corridor.

The vast Serengeti plains are dotted with rocky outcrops known as “kopjes”, there are several rivers running through the park, notably the Seronera river in the central area, the Grumeti river in the Western corridor, and the Mara river in the north all offer water to the animals during dry seasons. The varying landscape will keep you in constant awe while on your safari. Besides the large populations of animals in the park, a lot of birdlife can be spotted here. The Park hosts more than 500 bird species. There are several types of eagles and vultures, ostrich, secretary birds, kori bustards, hornbills, guinea fowl, as well as a host of smaller birds.

Tarangire National Park

The Tarangire National Park is one of the famous safari destinations in Tanzania, famous for the large population of elephants. Tarangire is truly astonishing with the magnificent savannah landscapes that encounter the Baobabs, a diverse habitat for various bird species.

Tarangire National Park

Tarangire National Park

Tarangire National Park is part of the larger Tarangire-Manyara Ecosystem covering a total area of about 35,000 km2. Tarangire host the most remarkable vegetation types in the area which include; riverine woodlands, Acacia tortilis parkland, wetlands and seasonal flood plains, acacia-Commiphora woodlands, riverine grasslands, combretum-Dalbergia woodlands, acacia drepanolobium woodlands, rocky hilltop (kopjes) vegetation, deep gully vegetation and grasslands with scattered Baobab trees.

The Tarangire National Park serves as a dry season refuge for a majority of diverse migratory wildlife in the Tarangire-Maasai Steppe ecosystem. The National Park also hosts more than 550 Bird species. Particularly rich birdlife occurs in the open Acacia woodlands, in and along the wetland, and in the flood plains of the Tarangire River. The National Park is said to derive its name from the Tarangire River that runs through the Park.

Ngorongoro Conservation Area

Ngorongoro Crater Welcome

Ngorongoro Crater

Ngorongoro Conservation Area is undoubtedly homes to great numbers of wildlife in Tanzania. The conservation Area host several attractions such as the Craters and calderas.  Ngorongoro Crater is a rare protected area where both people and wild animals co-exist in harmony. Large numbers of wild animals live in the huge and perfect crater. Ngorongoro is technically a “caldera”, the largest sunken ancient caldera in the world and perhaps the only standalone caldera on earth. The caldera is estimated to have been formed three million years ago; the once-volcanic Ngorongoro is now considered one of “Africa’s eighty wonders”. Perhaps one of the world’s greatest treasures.

The Crater floor is home to thousands of animals such as wildebeest, more than two hundred lion prides, zebra, elephants, hippos, hyenas, Thomson gazelles, African buffalo, crocodiles, ostriches, and many species of birds, not to mention that this is one of the best places to spot an endangered Rhino. A visit to Ngorongoro is a must for any wildlife enthusiast.

Lake Manyara National Park

AndBeyond Lake Manyara Tree Lodge Tanzania

Game Drive in Lake Manyara

Lake Manyara National Park is one of the famous safari Destinations in Tanzania with a true wilderness experience. The Park stretches on 325 sq km one of the smallest however hosts remarkable numbers of wildlife. Lake Manyara is a good destination to include on your bucket list.

The Lake Manyara National Park is famous for the drama of its terrain, quickly changing from a shallow soda lake covered in flamingos to acacia woodland housing large concentrations of baboons troops, giraffe and elephant herds, and a birding paradise for more than 400 bird species to the Great Rift Valley escarpment with its famous tree-climbing lions. The park also boasts an underground water forest.

Arusha National Park

The small Arusha National Park covers only 137 sq km. The National Park is close to Arusha town, just a 30-minute drive. Despite being small, The Park has several completely different micro-habitats within its confines, from a soda lake that outfit a large number of flamingos to dense forest habitat for black and white colobus monkeys, a plain, a crater, and the hikable Mount Meru.

Olduvai Gorge

The name Olduvai originated from a European misspelling of Oldupai, the correct Maasai word for this region of great historical importance—named after the wild sisal plants growing in abundance in the gorge. It is referred to as the birthplace of humankind. In the early twentieth century, Dr. Louis Leakey a famous archaeologist occupied the area and was able to uncover the earliest remains of human fossils. A visit here will really get you answers to questions of human evolution. The gorge is a very steep-sided ravine roughly 30 (48 km) miles long and 295 ft (90 m) deep. According to paleoanthropologists, the deposits show rich fossil fauna that covers a time span from about 2,100,000 to 15,000 years ago.

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