Amazing Road Trips Rwanda, Itinerary Ideas, Short Trips, Routes

If you’re planning a weeklong vacation to Rwanda, this article will lay out all the details for you. We outline the must-see attractions and provide an approximate itinerary for a road trip across this African nation. With this week-long plan, seeing Rwanda on your own is a breeze. Prepare for your Rwandan vacation with joy.

More over twelve million people call Rwanda home. The country is little bigger than half of the Netherlands. Thus, it ranks among the most populous African nations. Many people still think of the terrible 1994 genocide when they hear the word Rwanda. In just 100 days that year, approximately one million Tutsis and moderate Hutus were massacred. Despite the lasting effects of this tragedy on Rwandan society, the country has managed to recover and progress.

In today’s world, Rwanda is renowned for its advanced infrastructure and sophisticated culture. Sometimes called the Switzerland of Africa, Rwanda is known as the land of a thousand hills. While on vacation in Rwanda, be sure to see the mountain gorillas, explore the tea plantations, relax in Lake Kivu, and trek through Africa’s oldest rainforest.

We backpacked in Rwanda. In under a week, we leased a car and drove across the nation, enjoying breathtaking scenery along the way. In this Rwanda blog, we offer advice for a comparable vacation!

Visit Rwanda: An itinerary for covering all the hotspots

Thanks to its well-maintained roadways, Rwanda can be explored quickly. Kegali, Lake Kivu, Nyungwe National Park, and the world-renowned Volcanoes National Park are all must-sees on any trip to Rwanda. These must-see locations in the Land of a Thousand Hills should be part of your travel plan. One of the best ways to see this little African country is by renting a car and driving throughout Rwanda. So, what is there to see and do in Rwanda on vacation?

Travel Rwanda | Best things to do for a holiday in Rwanda

Which Rwandan attractions are the most popular? A road trip through Rwanda will allow you to see many of the country’s popular attractions. Visit Rwanda on vacation if you enjoy seeing animals. When it comes to the environment and landscape, Rwanda is just as diverse. A contemporary metropolis, vast lakes, savanna grasslands, jungles, and volcanic mountains are all there. To sum up, a fascinating nation to visit with many of attractions. In addition, Rwanda is an ideal location for travelers on a budget because it is a very safe country to visit.

Kigali | Things to do in Kigali, Rwanda

Things to do in Kigali, Rwanda

The capital of Rwanda has been Kigali since the country’s independence from Belgium in 1962. Rwanda has recently been named Africa’s cleanest city. The government has made it a major priority to combat pollution and the accumulation of (plastic) garbage. The stunning skyline of Kigali, a bustling African metropolis, is home to office towers, shopping malls, and five-star hotels. How would you recommend I spend my time in Kigali? Anyone interested in Rwandan history should make it a point to visit the Genocide Museum. There will be a lot of pictures, movies, and stories. You must visit the Caplaki Craft Market if you wish to get mementos in bulk.

Nyungwe Forest National Park | Activities: chimpanzee trekking, canopy walk and bird watching

Among Africa’s many tropical forests, the Nyungwe Forest is tallest and oldest. Hiking is the perfect activity in this tropical highland jungle. Taking a hike along the Isumo Trail as an example. A scenic five-hour trek through rural communities, waterfalls, and tea plantations. You can also do canopy walking or chimpanzee trekking in Nyungwe Forest. There are around 275 species of birds, 13 kinds of monkeys, and 100 kinds of orchids in this verdant park. For those interested in monkeys, avian life, plants, and wildlife, Nyungwe Forest National Park is an ideal destination.

Lake Kivu | Things to do: Congo Nile Trail, Napoleon Island and relaxing

The biggest freshwater lake in Rwanda is Lake Kivu. Because it is not home to any crocodiles or hippos, Lac Kivu is a safe place to swim in East Africa. The Albertine Rift Valley, which extends from Sudan to Zambia, includes Lake Kivu, which is also known as Lac Kivu. Lounging around and taking in the scenery is the perfect way to spend time at Lake Kivu. You may find two spots to stay along the lake’s shoreline: Kibuye and Gisenyi. If you are seeking tranquility, choose Kibuye. The city of Gisenyi is more livelier, with plenty of restaurants, pubs, and hotels.

Near Lake Kivu, you can go on a boat ride to Napoleons Island, tour the Pfunda Tea Estate, or hike a section of the famous Congo Nile Trail. There is a 227-kilometer trekking route known as the Congo Nile Trail. In ten days you can walk this trail, or in five days you can cycle it. Backpackers and hikers often stay in guesthouses or with locals while they travel.

Volcanoes National Park | Gorilla trekking in Rwanda, Dianne Fossey and volcanoes hikes


The 8 Virunga volcanoes stand tall and proud amid Africa’s oldest national park, Volcanoes National Park. Golden monkeys and endangered mountain gorillas both call this area home. Diane Fossey’s tomb is also accessible via this trail. For 18 years, Diane Fossey researched and protected gorillas. You can see a family of mountain gorillas and a wide variety of birds in this 160 square km park. Find out everything you need to know about hiking with gorillas here.

Mount Kabuye | Things to do: Climbing, hiking and visiting local villages in Rwanda

Mount Kabuye is an ideal day walk destination due to its manageable elevation of 2581 meters. In seven or eight hours, you can reach the peak of this mountain. Hikers will get a glimpse of a picturesque lake and stroll by charming little towns on this trail. Local kids will beg to accompany you on your journey and even offer to lead you for a little money.

Akagera National Park | Things to do: wildlife spotting and safari in Rwanda

Akagera National Park | Rwanda

A wide variety of sceneries may be found in Rwanda’s Akagera National Park, including mountain views, lakes, golden savannas, and numerous grasslands. The Tanzanian border is very near to this park. On a safari, you might see rhinos, hyenas, lions, elephants, and leopards. While on a Rwandan jeep safari, this is an excellent area to look for the big five. Akagera National Park offers a variety of safari activities, including jeep rides, boat rides, bird watching, and night safaris. During the dry months of June to August and December to February, visitors are only able to access the northern part of Akagera National Park.

Itineraries Rwanda: The perfect road trip through East Africa

The best possible schedule for a road trip across Rwanda is detailed in this article. Combining a trip to Rwanda and Uganda is our top recommendation. You can extend your vacation by visiting neighboring Kenya or Tanzania if you’re feeling very adventurous. Additionally, we have developed East African backpacking itineraries for your perusal.

Holiday Rwanda: the ultimate one-week backpacking itinerary Rwanda

Good highways traverse Rwanda, a little nation. There are speed traps all over the area, so you really shouldn’t drive too fast. It is a lovely hilly terrain. A driving trip through Rwanda becomes much more enjoyable with this! There are a lot of picturesque little towns and tea plantations to see along the road. A week-long trip throughout Rwanda will allow you to experience the majority of the country’s top attractions. You may enjoy it more and take your time if you have more time.


Exploring Rwanda in one week: A description of the itinerary

Starting in Kigali, the tour across Rwanda takes off. In this half-day tour, you can see the city’s highlights, like as the genocide museum. Next, hop in the car and head to Nyungwe Forest for some canopy walking or chimpanzee trekking. Traveling from Kivu to Kibuye is a section of the Congo-Nile Trail route.

You can cool off the following day by taking a boat ride to one of Lake Kivu’s numerous little islands. The following stop is to the stunning Volcanoes National Park, where you can see actual, live volcanoes. Hiking in stunning natural scenery or gorilla trekking are also possible here. Your next destination is Mount Kabuye, which is just a short drive away. Climbing this mountain will take you about seven or eight hours, and it is 2581 meters high. Akagera National Park is the last destination. The perfect place for a safari in a jeep and to see the fabled big five.

  • Day 1: Kigali
  • Day 2: Nyungwe Forest National Park
  • Day 3: Lac Kivu (Kibuye of Gisenyi)
  • Day 4: Volcanoes National Park
  • Day 5: Mount Kabuye
  • Day 6: Akagera National Park
  • Day 7: Akagera National Park – Kigali

Itinerary Uganda and Rwanda: Travel East-Africa in a 3-week road trip

Take a vacation that includes both Rwanda and neighboring Uganda. Kampala and Kigali are equally good places to start a road trip. The opportunity to go gorilla trekking in Uganda is a major perk of joining these two nations. You may get a lot better deal on a gorilla safari in Uganda compared to a gorilla hike in Rwanda. On top of that, this is one way that safari parks provide additional variety. Overnight camping in Murchison National Park is a requirement. Naturally, accompanied by a ranger who keeps the savage beasts at a safe distance from your tent. Here is the trip schedule:

3-week itinerary for visiting Uganda and Rwanda:

  • Kampala – Lake Bunyonyi – Kigali – Nyungwe Forrest National Park – Lake Kivu (Gisenyi or Kibuye) – Volcanoes National Park or Bwindi impenetrable forest – Queen Elisabeth National Park – Fort Portal – Murchison Falls – Rhino Sanctuary – Jinja – Kampala

Looking for a way to combine a vacation in Rwanda and Uganda without rushing through either country? You might want to bypass Jina and Murchison Falls National Park if that’s the case. If you’re not into high-octane pursuits like white-water rafting, Jinja might not be for you. If you’ve had your fill of safari parks and animals, you might want to skip Murchison Falls.

Travel East Africa: A 4-week itinerary for backpacking Rwanda, Uganda and Kenya:

Combining a Kenyan vacation with stops in neighboring Rwanda and Uganda is also a breeze. This is made feasible by the East Africa visa. You can visit all three countries with just one visa. Getting a visa for East Africa will save you a ton of money. Tanzania is oddly not covered by this visa. To enter Tanzania, you must get an additional permit.

A possible 4-week itinerary for backpacking through East Africa is as follows:

  • Nairobi – Lamu – Masai Mara – Lake Naivasha / Lake Nakuru – Jinja – Kampala – Lake Bunyonyi – Kigali – Nyungwe Forrest National Park – Lake Kivu – Volcanoes National Park or Bwindi National Park – Queen Elisabeth National Park – Fort Portal – Murchison Falls National Park – Rhino Sanctuary – Kampala
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