Chimpanzee Trekking Rwanda in Nyungwe National Park

Chimpanzee Trekking Rwanda in Nyungwe National Park & Chimp Trekking Permit Price, Chimpanzee Trekking in Nyungwe National Park of Rwanda. Chimpanzees are one of the primates in Rwanda found in Nyungwe Forest National Park southwest of Rwanda. Nyungwe forest is the largest remaining tract of forest with about 200 tree species covering approximately an area of 970 square kilometers.

Nyungwe forest is home to about 400 chimpanzees as well as over 13 primate species. About 60 habituated chimpanzees are in the Nyungwe forest and 30 individuals in the Cyamudongo forest. Chimpanzee trekking tours in Nyungwe forest Rwanda start off from three reception centers which are Uwinka, Gisakura, and Kitabi where tourists meet the park rangers for a trek to the forest. To reach the Chimp trek point, you will be driven to the start point where rangers take the trekkers to where the chimps are spending their day. Trackers have to go out early before the trekking time such that they inform the guides of where to take the tourists to in order to avoid unnecessary treks as well as wasting time in the forest without finding the chimps.

On Rwanda Chimpanzee trekking Safari – A maximum of 1 hour is spent in the presence of chimpanzees just like it is during Rwanda Gorilla tours. This 1 hour is spent watching the chimpanzees in Nyungwe Forest National Park go around with their daily lives and play around in the forest. Chimpanzees can be seen jumping from tree to tree at high speeds while making noise, the speed at which they jump and play around determines how many photos you take and how much time you spend viewing them.

Meeting the Nyungwe Forest Chimps – Rwanda

Chimpanzees share about 98.7% DNA with humans and have several human-like behaviors that are amazing to watch for a maximum of an allocated 1 hour. These Chimpanzees are habituated and safe to track easily noticeable by their deafening screams, loud hoots, and booming hitting of the tree barks and buttress. The challenge that comes with trekking chimpanzees in Rwanda is that they at times take longer to be found, shy away, and may show curiosity and eagerness when tourists are around. However, after following them for some time, they may settle down and let you observe them and take pictures but since they are light they move faster compared to Mountain Gorillas. When you get to watch chimpanzees you will realize their likeliness with human beings. You will see them groom each other, mate, breastfeed, start fights, and play. Watching how they interact within their groups is amazing as some dominate the group and are more vocal whereas others are quiet.

How to get to Nyungwe Forest National Park for Chimpanzee trekking Safari

Cyamudongo where chimpanzee trekking tours Rwanda starts from is 4 and a half hours drive from Kigali-Rwanda’s capital. Getting to Nyungwe forest is very easy since the road to the park is good and well tarmacked. Depending on how fast you want to get to the park you can get to Nyungwe forest by road or by air.

By Road;

To reach Nyungwe forest by road you can use different routes and these are Kigali to Nyungwe via Huye town or via Karongi town. Through Huye town, you drive via Nyabugogo Taxi Park to kamonyi to Muhanga to Ruhango to Nyanza to Huye and Nyamagambe district which connects to Nyungwe forest. The drive along this route offers an opportunity to visit several historical and cultural sites including Kings Palace, Kamegeri rock, and an ethnographic museum. Driving via Karongi town, you will drive from Nyabugogo Taxi Park then go through Kamonyi, Muhanga, Karongi, and Nyamasheke district which connects to Nyungwe forest. On this route, you get to pass within proximity of historical sites like the Bisesero Genocide Memorial site and the Ndaba rock. Along this route, you still have perfect views of Lake Kivu from Karongi to Rusizi. To get to the park, you can be transported by a tour guide from Kabira Safaris and tours as we organize all the required means of transport. Optionally you can also use public means using public transport companies who drive from Kigali to Rusizi. Public means of transport however do not get into the park therefore you need to have connections to your lodge or the park authorities to get you to the trek point.

By Air:

If you would want to get to Nyungwe faster or have limited time, plan to get to the park by air. There are two companies that operate flights to Kamembe airport near Nyungwe Forest National Park. You can travel by either Rwanda air or Akagera Aviation and have the chance to view Rwanda from a panoramic view.

How much is a Chimpanzee trekking Permit?

A Chimpanzee Trekking Permit in Rwanda costs US$ 100 a cost which is very much less than that of a gorilla trekking permit. 100 US$ for chimpanzee trekking offers you a maximum of 1 hour in the presence of the chimpanzees as you take pictures and watch them go around with their daily life.

Tracking Chimpanzees in Rwanda

Chimpanzee trekking tours in Rwanda Nyungwe Forest National Park

5 Days Rwanda safari is a trip to the best primate habitats of Rwanda. 5 days safari in Rwanda takes you to Volcanoes National Park for Gorilla trekking and to Nyungwe Forest National Park for chimpanzee tracking. 

Chimpanzee trekking Nyungwe National Park Rwanda

6 Days Rwanda Primates safari, This 6 Days Primate trekking safari in Rwanda includes a visit to Volcanoes National Park for gorilla trekking and Nyungwe Forest National Park for chimpanzee trekking.

Budget Rwanda Safari

10 Days Rwanda Safari offers the best Gorilla trekking, chimpanzee tracking, and Wildlife tour in Rwanda with a Kigali city tour, canopy walk, and visit Lake Kivu.

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