The Great African Primates Expedition (At Best Price Guarantee)

The Great African Primates Expedition at best Price Guarantee. A trek to see Uganda’s mountain gorillas offers wildlife lovers a rare, transformative travel experience. While tracking gorillas is our main focus, Uganda offers much more, and this comprehensive safari highlights a variety of wildlife encounters, including chimpanzees and colobus monkeys, plus classic big game and some of Africa’s best birding in Queen Elizabeth National Park. Read more about why our Uganda safari is your most rewarding option:

Mountain Gorilla Trekking Uganda | Complete Guide to Gorilla Trekking in Bwindi 🦍TRAVEL VLOG 4K

Trip Highlights: The Great African Primates Expedition

An Intensive Gorilla Experience: Mountain gorilla sightings on two different climbs through Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable National Park provide fascinating up-close views of these critically endangered primates.

A look at chimpanzees and other wildlife: Visit Kibale National Park for two treks to see wild chimpanzees, and Queen Elizabeth National Park to see a variety of traditional African plains animals.

Features Unique to a Premier Safari: The best ecolodges near wildlife, exceptional expedition leaders, and two chartered aircraft (to save long driving) make this Uganda primate safari stand out from the crowd.

Itinerary: The Great African Primates Expedition

Day 1: Entebbe, Uganda—Botanical Gardens

We pick you up from the airport in Entebbe and drive you to our hotel to start our Great African Primates Expedition tour. You could choose to go to the well-known Entebbe Botanical Gardens if you have the time. The gardens were founded in 1902, and their impressive collection of plants includes species from all three tropical and temperate regions of the nation. The gardens provide as a great introduction to Uganda’s rich birdlife because they are also home to numerous different avian species. Vervet and black-and-white colobus monkeys are also frequently seen in this area. This evening during a welcome supper, get to know your expedition leader.

Days 2 – 4: Kibale National Park—Chimpanzee Trekking

We travel from the busy city of Entebbe to Uganda’s lush highlands by mid-morning flight and short drive, where fertile volcanic soil supports a tapestry of tea, coffee, and banana plantations. In order to have a late lunch and settle in before the sun sets behind the Rwenzori Mountains, get to our hilltop resort in plenty of time. The following morning, more than 100 different bird species can be seen during a “swamp walk” through a wetland refuge. We meet our native trackers after lunch, and then we start our first chimpanzee hike in Kibale National Park. One of the highest populations of primates in the world, including 1,300 chimpanzees, can be found in this equatorial rain forest reserve. Other monkeys that we might observe are red colobus, black-and-white colobus, red-tailed, and gray-cheeked mangabeys.

Our last morning in Kibale National Park gives a second chance to see chimpanzees at a different time of day in the hopes of catching these quick-moving monkeys at work. Before making the hike back to the ranger station, we remain in their company for a further hour. After lunch at Ndali, you have a few options for the afternoon: take a stroll around one of the nearby crater lakes, check out the library that Nat Hab’s philanthropy arm helped fund, or just unwind and enjoy the magnificent view from our upscale lodge perched on the edge of a crater lake.

Days 5 & 6: Queen Elizabeth National Park

Exploring Queen Elizabeth National Park, which is situated along the western Rift Valley, requires an early start. The park, which is home to wide variety of species living among its volcanic craters, grassy plains, and tropical forest, is miniature representation of the best safari destinations in East Africa. The Ugandan Kob, unique antelope depicted on the nation’s currency, is one of approximately 100 different mammal species that may be found in the park, along with more than 600 bird species, one of the largest densities of any park in Africa. Search for typical African wildlife during morning game drive; you may see lions, leopards, buffalo, elephants, and antelope in the park’s northern area. Then, on private boat tour, we travel through the Kazinga Channel near one of Africa’s highest concentrations of hippos. The waterway is also home to abundant colorful birdlife, and baboons frequently entertain us from the banks.

A striking backdrop is provided by the Rwenzori range, often known as the “Mountains of the Moon,” which rise above 16,000 feet in height and are covered with snow. Admire the stunning views of Lake Edward before entering the southern Ishasha region of Queen Elizabeth National Park through a wildlife drive. As we go through this area, keep an eye out for the park’s renowned tree-climbing lions, which are one of only two populations of lions that do so regularly (the other is situated in Tanzania’s Lake Manyara National Park). No one is certain, but some people believe that these lions use the cold winds that come through the high branches to escape the heat.

Day 7: Queen Elizabeth Park—Ishasha Sector / Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

Traveling west from Ishasha to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, see the gradual transition from an open savanna to mountain slopes covered in a thick layer of green rain forest. If there is time, we will visit a school in a nearby hamlet before spending three nights at Buhoma Lodge, a luxurious mountainside camp that serves as the starting point for our gorilla-trekking expeditions. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is located on the edge of the Great Rift Valley. One of Uganda’s oldest and most biologically diverse rain forests, dating back more than 25,000 years and home to some 400 plant species, blankets its mist-shrouded hillsides. More notably, the park also safeguards 400 mountain gorillas, or nearly half of the species’ total population. This number includes a number of habituated groups that tourists can interact with.

Another 120 mammals are housed there as well, including elephants, antelope, and numerous primate species including baboons and chimpanzees. The forest is home to 350 different bird species, including 23 endemics to the Albertine Rift.

Days 8 & 9: Gorilla Trekking in Bwindi

We wake up early every morning in Bwindi in anticipation of a once-in-a-lifetime experience: a glance into a wild gorilla’s eyes. Our focus there is two full days of gorilla trekking. The path through the ancient rain forest can be difficult, occasionally slick and steep, but it is also full of rewards. We are trekking through the forest that the first explorers dubbed the “Impenetrable Forest,” and the moniker fits perfectly. Nearly 459 mountain gorillas—roughly half of the total in the world—live in Bwindi; despite the population growing, it is still in danger due to the growing number of nearby settlers. By midday, we aim to have reached one of the three family groupings that are accustomed to human interaction.

Our guide follows them to where they were last seen and searches for evidence of their presence, such as a mound of feces, stripped bark that suggests feasting, and damaged foliage that reveals a night nest. As we ascend through vines and vegetation to approach the group, our excitement grows. Our guide gives the all-clear after which he announces our intentions with friendly grunts. Individual gorillas may range in age from little children playing in the trees to mothers carrying young to the formidable silverback, the leader of the tribe. The pleasure of encountering these wonderful primates, who are so similar to us, in their natural habitat cannot be matched by any other wildlife experience.

However, the importance of our trip goes beyond our individual experiences since the gorillas depend on us to stay alive. The survival of these extremely endangered animals has depended heavily on responsible tourism, and the money we spend there supports their preservation by sustaining the livelihoods of the locals who live close to the gorillas. We return home not just with priceless memories and pictures, but also as advocates for the welfare of gorillas who are dedicated to their future. If there is time, we’ll stop by Conservation Coffee, a neighborhood cooperative of farmers whose beans are grown, processed, and roasted for a premium price that supports gorilla conservation. It’s possible that we’ll get the chance to stroll around the coffee fields, select some beans, and observe directly how this sustainable community business develops.

Day 10: Entebbe / Departure

Today’s the Great African Primates Expedition trip back to Entebbe marks the end of our Uganda adventure. On arrival, a day room is available for people getting ready to leave so they can unwind and reenergize. Before making our way to the airport to catch our flights home, we share a final supper together.

End of The Great African Primates Expedition

Add Rwanda Gorilla Trekking

A 13-day Ultimate Gorilla Photo Safari is also available, which includes four full days of gorilla trekking in Rwanda and Uganda. Or you might extend your Uganda safari by going on a tailored gorilla trek in Rwanda. Call us for further information.

Pair This Trip with an Extension… or Another Kabira Safari Journey

Experience an exhilarating 3-day Masai Mara Safari tour that begins and ends in Nairobi and makes use of top-notch mid-range safari hotels or tented camps that are normally found inside or around the main Maasai Mara National Reserve. Road transportation from Nairobi and up to four private safari game drives inside the reserve are included in this two-night, three-day itinerary. Additionally, the tour might include optional extras like a visit to a Maasai hamlet. For the second day of the itinerary in the Masai Mara, full-day game drives are available without paying an additional fee.

The spectacular Serengeti Migration 7-Day Safari package has been especially created to concentrate on and improve your opportunity of seeing the spectacular Serengeti Wildebeest Migration. The majority of the wildebeest migration is typically observed in the Lobo area, which is located to the north of the central Serengeti National Park, and the Wagakuria area, which is located to the extreme north of the Serengeti National Park, from August to October. This itinerary has been set up such that you fly back to Arusha town from the Serengeti National Park to cut down on unnecessary travel time and maximize your game watching time. The famed Ngorongoro Crater is another stop on the agenda.

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