Wildebeest Migration Camps in Kenya & Tanzania (Updated 2024)

Looking For The Best Wildebeest Migration Camps in Kenya and Tanzania – Where to stay for a Great Migration safari: Here Are the Top great Wildebeest Migration Camps.

This dramatic spectacle is set against the Greater Serengeti-Mara Ecosystem, a region that spans both Kenya and Tanzania. The northernmost portion of the circuitous route of the great migration traverses the Masai Mara in Kenya before traveling south through the Serengeti in Tanzania and bordering the Ngorongoro Conservation Area.

Best Migration Camps in Serengeti, Tanzania

Regardless of the time of year you prefer to travel or the region you wish to explore, our camps positioned along the migration route guarantee you front-row seats away from the throngs. To maximize your chances of seeing the herds, we recommend combining two or more of our accommodations. Stay at our permanent camps in Kenya from July to November to witness the Great Migration, or go on a migration safari in Tanzania from November to July and choose between our permanent camps and mobile migration camps.

Where to stay in Kenya to see the Great Migration from July to November

The Great Migration passes through the Greater Masai Mara region of southern Kenya from approximately July to November.

The renowned Masai Mara National Reserve does not require an introduction. Its 1,500km2 are densely inhabited with wildlife throughout the year, but especially between mid-June and November, when vast herds of migrating wildebeest appear in search of greener grazing grounds.

At this point in the migration route, the wildebeest courageously cross the Mara River, which is teeming with ravenous crocodiles and makes for tense viewing. In the Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya, guests of Rekero can observe wildebeest traversing the Grumeti river in front of camp. Naboisho Camp and Encounter Mara, located in the neighboring Naboisho Conservancy, provide additional superb lodging options.

Where to stay in Tanzania to see the Great Migration from November to July

When the Great Migration is in Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park, it traverses a larger area than when it is in Kenya’s Masai Mara National Reserve. Guests have the option of lodging in permanent camps or in our mobile migration camps, which relocate throughout the year to remain near the action. Learn more about our tented mobile migration camps or use this menu to determine where to remain for a fantastic Tanzania migration safari:

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