Activities in Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve (Things to Do)

Activities in Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve have helped it become one of the top Ugandan tourist spots, and visitors may choose from a wide range of exciting activities during their time there. Pian Upe Game Reserve is the place to go if you want to see wildlife without having to compete with hoards of people, as is the case in nearby Murchison Falls National Park and Queen Elizabeth National Park. You can easily combine a trip to the Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve in Nakapiripiti District in northeastern Uganda with a safari to either Sipi Falls or Mount Elgon National Park in eastern Uganda, or to Kidepo National Park in the country’s north-eastern corner. Here are some of the best Pian Upe wildlife reserve attractions.

Explore Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve

Things to Do in Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve (Activities)

Game Viewing

Pian Upe wildlife reserve is the second largest conservation area in Uganda, covering 2,275 square kilometers. It is home to numerous animal safaris. While Queen Elizabeth National Park and Murchison Falls National Park receive higher marks for wildlife abundance and variety, visitors to Uganda should not skip Pain Upe Wildlife Reserve. Even though Kidepo National Park was originally identified as the sole national park in Uganda to discover the animals, the Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve is the only area in Uganda where we find Roan antelopes and the Cheetah. Jackals, hyenas, cheetahs, Cape buffalo, roan antelope, dik dik, great kudu, uganda kob, waterbuck, aardvark, velvet monkeys, patas monkeys, olive baboons, and giant ostriches are just some of the animals you might see on a guided safari to Pian Upe wildlife reserve. The roan antelope is one of the most easily spotted animals, along with baboons, velvet monkeys, the strongly vocalized Patas monkey, zebras, buffalos, dik diks, and a variety of birds. Wildcats, Jackals, Spotted Hyenas, Civets, Serval Cats, the enigmatic Leopards, and prides of Lions are just some of the predators that call Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve home.

Trails’ inaccessibility might make game watching difficult, but a strong 4X4 vehicle can make short work of the obstacles. You need to spend at least three days at the Pian Upe wildlife reserve to get a good look at the species there. The reserve is relatively undiscovered and has few visitors, giving you a greater chance for secluded wildlife drives and a more personal experience than at a more popular national park. The ideal times to go on a game drive and see the most wildlife are early in the morning and late in the evening, when the sun rises or sets behind the mountains and creates some of the most amazing sunsets and sunrises.


Unsurprisingly, given the reserve’s spoiled eco-environment and the distinctive bird species it attracts, Pian Upe ranks among Uganda’s top bird-watching spots. The reserve has clearly marked routes for those interested in birdwatching. Among the avian inhabitants of Kidepo National Park are the rare Ostrich and the endemic Karamoja Apalis, both of which are only found in the northeastern area of Uganda. In addition to the endemic Fox weaver bird, you might also see Superb sterlings, Green bittas, Secretaries, Abyssinian ground hornbills, shoebill stocks, and the uncommon shoebill stock. It’s

Community tours

On a guided community visit to the area surrounding Pian Upe natural reserve, you may find out about things like traditional weddings and marriages, dances you can learn, and livestock raiding. Despite their reputation for hostility in the early days of their colonization, it is thrilling to witness people with such rich cultural and traditional experiences. It is the Karamojongs’ pastoral lifestyle for which they are most well-known. You may get a taste of authentic Karamojong culture by paying a visit to one of the villages in the area around the reserve and watching a performance of traditional music, dance, and theater, including the world-famous Edonga dance.

Mountain climbing and guided nature walk

Hiking opportunities abound in the hills and mountains that surround the Pian Upe wildlife reserve. These include Mount Napak (2,538 meters), Mount Kadam (3,063 meters), and Mount Moroto (3,083 meters). Mount Kadam and Mount Napak are two of the less difficult peaks that visitors to the Pian Upe nature reserve can attempt to scale. The only thing you can do on a hiking safari is look at wonders like the Napedet cave. Before the area was gazetted as a national reserve, the locals would gather at Napedet cave to paint, and today’s visitors can see strange paintings of Roan Antelope, Hartebeests, Baboons, and Giraffes, all of which once roamed the reserve’s open plains. The hike to Napedet cave is one of the highlights of any trip to Pian Upe nature reserve. This hike is a great way to get some exercise and see stunning vistas of the mountain ranges in the nature reserve, all while challenging your physical condition.

Attractions in Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve

Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve is the second-largest protected area in Uganda, and it can be found in the Karamoja subregion in the country’s northeast. Established in 1964, the wildlife reserve is a vital component of the Mount Elgon protection region. About 2,788 square kilometers of grassland and woodland flora, huge plains, rocky outcrops, and mountains make up Pian Upe nature reserve.

Our Top Safaris in Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve

Attractions in Pian Upe wildlife reserve.

3 Days in Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve: The Perfect Safari Itinerary for Your First. With its many sights and activities, the Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve has quickly become one of Uganda’s most popular tourist spots, making it an ideal location for a three-day safari. National parks dedicated to savannah animals and primates, such as Bwindi Impenetrable, Kibale, Murchison Falls, and Queen Elizabeth, can get quite crowded during peak visitor seasons.

Explore Sipi Falls

The Perfect One Week Kidepo And Pian Upe Safari Itinerary. This 7-day trip to the northeastern section of Uganda, the Karamoja region, between Uganda’s borders with Sudan and Kenya, includes visits to the national parks of Kidepo valley, Pian upe, and Sipi falls. You’ll go on a cultural tour and meet the local Karamojong people, go on game drives, and see a wide variety of animals like lions, leopards, buffaloes, elephants, elands, oribi, Uganda kobs.

Boat Cruise on Murchison Falls

9 Days in Murchison Falls Kidepo Pian Upe Safari Itinerary – Murchison Falls National Park, Pian Upe Game Reserve, Sipi Falls, and Kidepo Valley National Park are all within easy driving distance of each other in the Karamoja region of northeastern Uganda, which is situated between the borders of Kenya and Sudan.

White Water Rafting on the source of Nile

The Perfect 4 Days Pian Upe, Sipi Falls And Jinja Safari Itinerary. The Pian Upe, Sipi Falls, and Jinja Safari is an incredible four-day trip that begins and concludes in Kampala, Uganda. The safari will take you to the Pian Upe wildlife reserve, where you can see buffalos, waterbucks, reedbucks, topi, Jackson’s hartebeest, zebras.

Hiking in Mount Elgon National Park

The Mount Elgon peak hike and Pian Upe wildlife reserve safari lasts for ten days, during which time you’ll visit Mount Elgon National Park, Sipi Falls, and the Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve in Eastern Uganda. Mount Elgon is the fourth-highest peak in all of East Africa, rising to an altitude of 4,320 meters at its summit.

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