Kruger National Park Facts, Map, Size And Fee Entrance

As the crown jewel of South Africa’s national parks, Kruger offers visitors the chance to go on a safari unlike any other. Located along the border with Mozambique, this game reserve is the biggest in South Africa and is larger than Israel. It spans 352 kilometers (20,000 square kilometers) from north to south and has over 2 million hectares of land. According to many, it will provide you with an unforgettable encounter with nature. Among the greatest in Africa, without a doubt. Safaris in the Greater Kruger Park provide an unparalleled opportunity to encounter magnificent wildlife through a diverse array of high-end game lodges, safaris, activities, and tours.

Kruger National Park – Things you need to Know before Visiting the Kruger National Park!

Kruger National Park

This is authentic Africa, where prehistoric sites and approximately 2 million hectares of unparalleled biodiversity come together. When it comes to African wildlife viewing, few places can compare to the illustrious Kruger National Park.

It is one of the world’s most visited public-entry game parks and the crown jewel of South Africa’s national park system. The park is vast and breathtaking.

Not only do most tourists make the pilgrimage to Kruger National Park or one of the private reserves bordering it before leaving South Africa, but locals also often bring their own cars to explore the park and camp out at one of the numerous public rest stops. Additionally, the Kruger National Park is home to a handful of private lodges that have been awarded concessions. Eleven main rest sites, five bushveld campgrounds, two bush lodges, and four satellite camps make up Kruger National Park.

When it comes to African wildlife viewing, few places can compare to the illustrious Kruger National Park. This national park, which has been around since 1898 to safeguard the Lowveld fauna of South Africa, is unparalleled in the variety of its animal and plant life and a frontrunner in cutting-edge environmental management practices and regulations. An astounding variety of animals call Kruger home, including 336 tree species, 49 fish species, 34 amphibians, 114 reptiles, 507 bird species, and 147 mammalian species.

Kruger National Park is rich in evidence of human impact on the lowveld environment spanning centuries, from magnificent archaeological sites like Masorini and Thulamela to bushman rock art. Together with the park’s natural resources, these artifacts serve as reminders of the people, places, and things that shaped Kruger National Park’s past.

Rates & Entry Fees in Kruger National Park

Daily Conservation Fees

1 November 2023 – 31 October 2024 Adults (12+ years) Children (2 – 11 years)
South African Citizens and Residents R122 R60
SADC Nationals R243 R122
International (non-South African) Citizens R486 R243

Community Fund

A community fund of 1% will be added to the cost of all accommodation and activity reservations.

Best Time to Visit Kruger National Park

Rainy Season (October to March)

Summers in the subtropics are hot and rainy, beginning in October and lasting until about March. The parched park becomes a verdant floral haven after the summer rains, but the more vegetation makes it more difficult to spot wildlife.

Dry Season (April to September)

Warm, dry days and chilly nights characterize the winter months of April through September. Because there is less foliage and more water available in rivers and water holes in the winter, game viewing is traditionally better during this season. Travelers venturing out on night rides should dress warmly.

Fauna and Flora in Kruger National Park

Mammals in Kruger National Park

Most Amazing Kruger National Park Wildlife Sightings

Many safari goers make it a goal to see all five of the African subspecies known as the “Big Five”—1,500 lions, 17,000 elephants, 48,000 buffalo, and 1,000 leopards—in Kruger National Park. There are many more interesting birds and creatures in the African bush, so seeing these shouldn’t be a prerequisite or even a priority for a safari.

If you are looking for a top spot to see wildlife, Kruger is a great choice. The park is home to around 147 different species of mammals. Classical African big game viewing includes elephants (KNP Elephant Census Summary), rhinos (both black and white), hippos, giraffes, zebras, buffalo, warthogs, and a plethora of antelope species. The spotted hyena, wild dog, lion, leopard, and cheetah are all examples of large carnivores. A plethora of smaller mammalian species are just as fascinating.

Birds of Kruger National Park

There are more than 500 species recorded at Kruger, including some that are unique to this region of South Africa.

The avi-fauna is abundant and includes Shrikes, Bee-eaters, Starlings, Vultures, and Hornbills. Birdwatchers can anticipate seeing the Big 6: Saddle-billed Stork, Kori Bustard, Martial Eagle, Lappet-faced Vulture, Pel’s Fishing-Owl, and Ground Hornbill.

With many regional rarities can be seen, the far north of the park (Pafuri and Punda Maria regions) is considered one of the country’s birding Meccas. However, birding is superb across the entire park.

African Fish, Bateleur, Martial, Black-chested, Brown, and tawny eagles are common, as are Wahlberg’s, Steppe, and Lesser Spotted eagles during the summer.

The rest stops and picnic areas, as well as the park’s many water sources, are paradises for birdwatchers.

Vegetation of Kruger National Park

The enormous size of Kruger National Park ensures that it is home to an incredible variety of plant life. The Kruger National Park is best understood by breaking it down into its sixteen macro ecozones. North of the Olifants River, in the park’s northern part, you’ll find mopane veld, while south of the river, you’ll find thornveld ecozones.

There are 336 tree species in the Kruger National Park: Baobab, Common Cluster Fig, Common Coral Tree, Delagoa Thorn, Fever Tree, Jackalberry, Knob Thorn, Lala Palm, Leadwood, Lowveld Fig, Marula, Monkey Orange, Mopane, Natal Mahogany, Raisin Bush, Red Bushwillow, Round-leafed Teak, Sausage Tree, Tamboti, Transvaal Mustard Tree

Cultural Heritage in Kruger National Park

Cultural Heritage Sites – Masorini Hill

While big game viewings and vast stretches of wilderness bring most visitors to Kruger National Park, the park’s rich cultural and historical landscape is just as impressive. Archaeologists have found more than 255 artifacts dating back over a million years, from early Stone Age (approximately 1 million years ago) settlements to numerous Iron Age sites and more modern historical structures and sites.

The spiritual and cultural significance of several of these locations is well-documented, and others provide light on the region’s fascinating and romantic past.

The historical, spiritual, and cultural significance of these places makes their preservation all the more critical. Protecting these locations is our legal obligation as national stewards of the environment.

Sites that are currently open to the public are: Albasini Ruins, Masorini Ruins, Thulamela

Activities in Kruger National Park

Ultimate Guide to Kruger National Park: Must-Do Experiences

No need for visitors to stress over what to do with their spare time at Kruger National Park; the park provides a thrilling array of activities, all with the goal of bringing guests closer to nature and creating a home away from home. Participants on ecotrail, backpacking, or day walks can relax knowing that seasoned, licensed, and armed guides will lead the way and provide insightful commentary on the breathtaking scenery at predetermined intervals. The participants will have the opportunity to get up close and personal with nature, allowing them to truly appreciate its marvels.

Getting to Kruger National Park

Many tourists who come to Kruger National Park choose to drive themselves. However, many visitors, especially those from other countries, opted to fly to the park’s outskirts and then rent a car.

You may reach Kruger National Park in a number of different ways. It is common practice to start and finish journeys in Johannesburg or Cape Town. You can avoid spending the night in Johannesburg by taking a direct flight to your safari lodge or one of the nearby airports; this is the most convenient choice, though.

There are daily flights from Johannesburg to a number of the private lodges in the Kruger National Park area. Going to the park in this manner is the most hassle-free and practical option. The flight will take approximately 90 minutes and drop you off at the closest airport to the lodge you’re visiting. You will be escorted to your resort in a game drive vehicle by a lodge representative or ranger who will be waiting for you at the airstrip.

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